The Umoja XX Conference is coming to Southern California on October 31 – November 2, 2024!
We are excited to announce we will be at the JW Marriott Los Angeles | L.A. Live. This year’s theme is "Voices of the Future: Elevating Student Leadership and Agency" and we aim to inspire and empower students to recognize their potential and advocate for themselves and their communities.
Below is a list of immediate action items:
Register for the Umoja XX Conference
Agenda-At-A-Glance coming soon!
Faculty make sure to register for the Faculty Institute on the Eventbrite site.
Learn more about the Conference Hotel!
We're excited to be at the beautiful JW Marriott Los Angeles | L.A. Live
To reserve your rooms, click here or go to
You may also call (877) 622 3056
October 9, 2024, at 5 PM is the last day to book your room!
For those seeking additional accommodation options, we have arranged discounted rates for the same dates at two overflow hotels: the Residence Inn Los Angeles L.A. Live and the Courtyard Los Angeles L.A. Live. Both hotels are conveniently located across the street from the conference venue.
Booking Link for Residence Inn Los Angeles L.A. Live and Courtyard Los Angeles L.A. Live:
Book Your Group/Corporate Rate | Marriott International
The last day to book at a discounted rate for all hotels will be October 9th at 5pm.
We encourage you to book your accommodations early to take advantage of these special rates.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Partner with us for a great conference!
Call for Proposals - Be a presenter! Click Here
Be a College & Opportunity Fair Vendor Click Here
Learn about conference sponsorships! Click Here
Important Dates & Deadlines
UPDATE: September 11, 2024 - Call for Proposals Submission Deadline
October 9, 2024, at 5 PM - Last day to reserve hotel rooms
In the coming weeks, we will announce more information about speakers, the detailed conference agenda, and more by e-mail and via our website.
Conference Faculty Institute - update on 8/16/2024
Faculty Institute Registration is now open. Click here to register or go to
Conference Meals Provided - update on 8/19/2024
Thursday, October 31, 2024 | Breakfast and Lunch provided
Friday, November 1, 2024 | Breakfast and Lunch provided
Saturday, November 2, 2024 | Breakfast provided
Skelton Conference Agenda to assist with travel arrangements- update on 8/19/2024
Thursday, October 31, 2024 | Full day of programming
Friday, November 1, 2024 | Full day of programming
Saturday, November 2, 2024 | Half-day of programming
Conference Hotel Availability - update on 8/19/2024
Additional availability has been added for Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at the JW Marriott. However, space is still limited. If you're unable to secure a booking at the JW Marriott, please check the other hotel options listed on the event site.
The purpose of the proposal submission process is to identify presenters with interest, passion, and expertise on a selected topic. Sessions that focus on organizing, connecting, motivating, or guiding students in professional, cultural, academic, or personal development are highly encouraged!
All are welcome to submit a proposal for an Indaba Session
For your submission you will select one of the following formats.
60-minutes interactive indaba. Bring on the evidence-based findings and the transformational programming ideas! The 90 minutes interactive workshop should be layered with engagement and information, and the content should have key takeaways that participants can apply to their own context and setting.
60-minutes Critical Idea Talks. Critically examine and deliberate on pathways to emancipatory education. Share your findings in a brief yet powerful and creative presentation that inspires and transforms.
It is important for our Umoja Scholars to develop their academic, civic, and leadership competencies to support their lifetime goals and outcomes. The Umoja community recognizes the importance of identifying, supporting, and uplifting scholarly activities shared by Umoja scholars. Umoja Scholars are invited to present their academic, professional, or community-based work to accelerate their skills and confidence as an Umoja Practitioner. Umoja Students that plan to present their scholarship should identify a mentor or Jegna to support them as they prepare for their presentation or facilitation.
Umoja Student Propoal Submissions are limited to current and alum Umoja Scholars.
For your submission you will select one of the following formats.
30-minutes Share outs. The 30-minute engaging talks should inform and provide reflections on your academic, professional, or community-based participation and how it has/will impact your goals.
Community Poster Session. Do you have an idea or research topic you want to present to the community for feedback or exploration? Share your voice in a brief yet powerful and creative poster presentation that inspires and transforms.
Fee: There will be no honorarium or reimbursement for the presentation. The selected presenters will receive a discounted registration rate. All presenters must register for the conference. We encourage you to register now.
Important Dates
Call for Proposal - Thursday, August 1, 2024
UPDATE Proposal Submission Deadline - Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Notification of Status - Monday, September 23, 2024
Presenter Acceptance and Email Confirmation - Monday, September 30, 2024
Presenter Training Opportunities - Wednesday, October 9, 2024 and Friday, October 11, 2024
Final Presentation Document Submission Deadline - Monday, October 28, 2024
Questions: For questions regarding the proposal submission process, please contact
Proposal Submission
Details Indaba Proposal Submissions
The purpose of the proposal submission process is to identify presenters with interest, passion, and expertise on a selected topic. Sessions that focus on student professional development, effective practices that uplift cultural pedagogy responsive to the legacy of the African diasporas, increasing access and transferring to 4- year institutions, exploration of career and technical careers, and sharing the impact of the Umoja program and community are encouraged. All proposals will be evaluated by our program committee based on content, level of engagement, and relevancy to one of the workshop strands below. Proposal submissions will only be accepted by submitting through this link. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION LINK
You will need the following information to submit a proposal:
1. Lead presenter name
2. Lead presenter biographical information that briefly highlights their expertise. a. For Student Scholars biographical information that highlight academic and career successes and aspirations.
3. (For Student Scholars Track provide mentor/Jegna Information) Co-present(s) name
4. (For Student Scholars Track provide mentor/Jegna Information) Co- presenter biographical information that briefly highlights their expertise.
5. Company/college affiliation
6. Contact information (email and telephone)
7. Indaba Strands (must align with one of the indaba strands)
8. Select your Session type (90-minute workshop; 60- minute critical talk; 30 minute Share out; Community Poster Session)
9. Presentation Title (should excite and inspire the audience in under 15 words)
10. Session Description: (max 200 words) that includes a short statement on how your session is aligned to the Umoja Practices and conference theme Read the Umoja Practices
11. List 2 key learning objectives: What will the audience learn? How will they be transformed?
12. Summarize the qualitative and/or quantitative data that informs and supports your presentation?
Indabas, in traditional African culture, are gatherings to discuss issues that affect us all. Indabas are where everyone is invited to the table and has a voice. It is where the experiences and stories told encourage us to share and act when we walk away from the gathering and back to our communities. All proposals should uplift the Umoja mission and vision by being aligned with one of the three Indaba Strands for this year’s conference:
Elevating the Power of Education:
Umoja aims to dispel myths about Black scholarship by employing cultural imperatives that emphasize excellence through African-centered practices. This cultural safety net provides a foundation that students should be using to excel. Elevating the Power of Education workshops should tap into the voices of the African diaspora to highlight the ways in which Black individuals' multifaceted identities, experiences, and intellect can be utilized to inform our understanding of our own experiences.
Indabas examples include:
Methods incorporating African-centered practices into curricula and teaching strategies.
Creating and implementing support systems that embrace and uplift the diverse experiences and identities of Black students.
Best practices for developing cultural safety nets on campus.
Highlight key Black figures and their work and discuss how their scholarship informs current educational practices.
Teach students how to utilize Afrocentric research methods to explore and address issues relevant to the Black diaspora.
Explore the concept of Afrofuturism and its application in educational contexts.
Liberating Students to Mobilize:
The Umoja Community provides robust leadership and training opportunities for our students. The student leaders within the Umoja Community consistently spearhead a diverse array of initiatives and activities aimed at building community and fostering student success on their campuses. These indabas will highlight the development of student leaders and the impactful strategies they are employing to effect change on their campus and in their communities.
Indabas examples include:
Teaching practical leadership skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and project management.
Developing and implementing peer mentorship programs where experienced students guide and support their peers.
Encouraging students to create and lead their own initiatives or clubs, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Building Community Partnerships such as collaborations between students and local organizations for mutual benefit.
Workshops on leadership skills, public speaking, and effective communication.
Case studies and success stories of student leaders making a difference on campus and in their communities.
Fostering Excellence and Success in All Areas of Life:
Umoja programming is holistic and designed to prepare students for success in all areas of life. Today, education and careers are critical to individual success. Balancing the strong demand on time for these two leaves little time for health and wellness which is also important. Addressing all these needs is especially critical considering the current political and social climate. Presenters in these sessions will discuss the various facets of academic, mental, and social wellness and success.
Indabas examples include:
Preparing students for professional success through workshops on resume building, interviewing, and networking.
Sessions on self-care, mental health, and work-life balance.
Teaching students about financial literacy including, budgeting, saving, and managing finances.
Best practices for practitioners
Career success